Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Fairytale Fun - Wednesday - Little Red Hen

We read the story of the Little Red Hen today. The kids enjoyed it. We made this red hen craft when we were done with the book. (Remember, I work with toddlers, and I let them do as much by themselves as possible.)
Supplies Needed:
Pattern pieces (right click on pattern pieces below and save to your computer. Open - print)
White cardstock or construction paper
Red, orange, yellow, and black paper scraps
Circle hole punch (optional)
Red crayons, markers or paint
Cut out your pieces as indicated and glue the head and wings to the body. Before gluing the other pieces, have your child(ren) color or paint the head, body, and wings red. Once dry (if using paint), glue the other pieces on. I didn't do a pattern piece for the wheat, but if you want, just add some little circles or torn pieces of yellow paper to represent the wheat that the red hen planted. As I went through the craft, we talked about the story. Thanks so much for reading. I hope you are enjoying the craft projects with your kids or group!

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